We place great value on your judgement. How did you like your holiday?
We would appreciate if you answered a few questions.
Simply judge by grading 1 (poor) to 5 (recommended).
Accommodation name: | Prosecco |
Guest: | Christel F. |
Period of booking: | 2020-02-24 - 2020-02-27 |
How do you rate the position of the house? | |
What is your rating of the tidiness in general? | |
How did you like the furnishing in general and the overall impression? | |
What is your rating of the price-performance ratio? | |
What do you think about the kitchen equipment? | |
What is your opinion about the bathroom/bathrooms? | |
What about the beds? | |
Was it easy for you to find your holiday house? | |
Have you had any problems in the house? | NO |
If so, who/what has helped you resolving them? | |
Internet portal through which you booked? | BookingSync |
Suggestions, proposals, requests: | Bon séjour. C'est un très bel endroit dans un petit village sur les hauteurs du lac avec une superbe vue sur celui-ci.. La route est très étroite pour y arriver. Il y a un parking gratuit. Nous n'avons pas été accueillis par un hôte mais les clés étaient très facile d'accès. Dommage que certaines explications n'étaient qu'en allemand. |
Answer: |